Proud as a Peacock
Sacred Heart Secondary School, Tullamore
Design Description
From the beginning, we wanted to use our outfit to inspire young people to be confident and proud of who they are. Two major factors helped us come up with this idea. Firstly because Joy is very confident and she is always encouraging Niamh to be less shy. We chose Niamh to be the model so that she could gain confidence and pride and we wanted to convey that through our dress. If nothing else it has definitely helped Niamh gain confidence already through modeling the dress at our school fashion show. Secondly and probably more importantly because both of us have been closely related to people with anxiety and this is a topic of conversation that comes up between us regularly in which we often feel really helpless. We felt it was important to raise awareness about this topic in whatever way we could. You should have a look at our Instagram @proudasapeacock_ where we have built a following and document our progress.